After having recently lost my best friend of 10 years, I wasn't really sure what to feel and tell myself and how to tackle this feeling of grief. I still don't know honestly but a lot of it is exactly what you've articulated so beautifully. It feels like an extremely, warm and comfy hug thay has soothed this heaviness and suffocation that I was feeling in my heart and I didn't realise I ended up tearing by the end. Thank you so much. I'll be eagerly looking more such beautiful pieces ❤️

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my heart absolutely breaks for your immense loss 💔 I'm so grateful these words could be a small comfort in such a difficult time. sending you so much love as you continue to grieve, and thank you so much for being here and for reading 💜

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Thank you.

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absolutely 🙏🏼

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Thank you for being able to put my feelings into words. I’m turning a corner now and it’s partly due to being able to allow the light into my life again. I know I’ll never find the kind of love that I had with my husband but it’s possible that I will find one that is still good and that’s what is important to remember. ♥️♥️♥️

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I'm so grateful that this connected with your heart 💜 letting the light back in is such a hard journey, but I'm so glad to read that you have been feeling its hopeful return. sending you SO much love as you continue to navigate your loss 🙏🏼

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Thank you for the beautiful glimmer of hope. You continue to encourage and uplift me, and many others. I am still in the stage where my loved ones have not yet passed, but are very ill.

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that is an especially tender kind of grief 💔 my heart aches for yours. I'm so grateful my work can be a small source of hope and comfort in such a hard time. sending you the warmest hugs and all of my love 🙏🏼

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Thank you once again Liz for knowing just when to write what I’m feeling!

As I prepare to fly out tomorrow to Oregon, I so wish Elizabeth could be on the plane with me! I know once in the air, I’ll feel that much closer to Heaven and to her!

If I could write a note to my past self, I would just say “that all that you will go through, the best ten years of your life would be 2013-2023, your time with your soulmate and just hold her longer and tell her how much you love her even more, she will be worth it so much! Do as much as you can and enjoy all the moments you’ll

be together! Never go a day without telling her how much she means to you and how much you love her for picking you! Your heart will be broken into a million pieces, but those ten years will always be worth it to hold that precious woman!”

I wish I could’ve known the future, but only God knows that. I just keep moving forward day by day and honor her every single moment of my life!❤️‍🩹💝

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I can't wait to hear about your trip to Oregon. I hope it's healing in so many ways and a beautiful balm for your soul. 🙏🏼 I love how you speak of the urgency of love and how you'd remind your past self to truly cherish it. I can tell that you deeply treasured your time with Elizabeth and that the immense loss you feel is a product of the absolute immensity of your love. 💜 thank you for continuing to share your journey and your story and Elizabeth's legacy 🙏🏼

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Every week your heart and mind pours into your writing and upon reading, leaves me feeling less alone and more hopeful. Thank you, Liz, for sharing your gift of writing with all of us. Your words mean so much when I am grasping for hope. I, too, am finding out that love is everything. Tims’s love is always with me. Our love for each other will never die. Our love story will live forever, as will the one you shared with your dad. Thank you again for bringing light into my morning. I look forward to your posts every Monday.

I hope you have a wonderful week ❤️❤️

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Jill, it is such an honor that my words have been able to make you feel less alone and be a small source of encouragement and hope in such a difficult time. Wrapping you in the absolute warmest hugs and all of my love. I pray that Tim's love finds beautiful ways to meet you today that bring you immense peace and comfort 💜

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Beautifully articulated and so very true.

Thank you Liz.

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thank you so very much for reading 💜

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