You have such a gift for beautifully expressing emotions that are very difficult to articulate. Thank you for sharing that gift with us!

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what a beautiful encouragement 💜 thank you so much for these kind words, and I'm so grateful to you for being here and for reading!

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Sep 23Liked by Liz Newman

This I needed to hear today Liz!

Yesterday was the 1-1/2 year mark of losing Elizabeth and it was the first day of Fall. She always loved the days getting shorter and the cooler weather. Being a PE teacher, she loved coming home and relaxing and going to bed when it was dark outside.

Yesterday was a hard day for me knowing what day it was and I knew the grief would come for a visit. She would start decorating for the upcoming holiday seasons and loved this time of year. I’ve been working on trying to enjoy the seasons more this year than last year. Time has flown by and I still feel like an empty shell of the man I was with her being here with me. I’ve done better, but it will always be a work in progress.

Seasons will always change and I’ll change with them and knowing she’s always with me regardless helps me get through these difficult times when grief comes for a visit.💝

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my heart aches for the ache that the seasons bring about in your grief 💔 thank you for sharing what it has looked like for you and how it's continued to change 🙏🏼

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Sep 23Liked by Liz Newman

Thanks for sharing that others are feeling the same way as I am. Though I don’t think of the time I spend alone as lonely, really. The time I spend with our dogs in our home is when I feel Tim’s presence the most with me because that is what we would usually be doing in the evenings. We weren’t ones to have a busy social calendar, so being home is where I feel the most comfortable because that is where he would be with me. He never traveled with work being a family doctor, so we were together every night. I thought I could never stay in our home after finding Tim in our bedroom, on our bed, but now it is where I feel his spirit the most. Being in our room with the dogs reading, exercising, or watching tv is my new place of contentment and solace. Some people may think that sounds lonely, but I think learning to live with grief means finding a space where things really never change, while the world changes around you ❤️❤️

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thank you so very much for sharing this beautiful perspective 😭💜

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